We offer you one stop solution.
We offer you one stop solution.
We provide consistent printing services for your packaging bags
Sales Department
Designing Department
Plate Making
Printing Department
Bag Making
Product Inspection
Patented technology
We have carry bag design that can enhance the weight tolerance. Stand bag with zipper can show the product appearance easily and extend the life duration.
Customized service is supported.
Patented technology
We have carry bag design that can enhance the weight tolerance. Stand bag with zipper can show the product appearance easily and extend the life duration.
Customized service is supported.
Environmental protection first
To reduce the cost of fuel and the consumption of organic waste gas at the same time, by alternating the flow of gas, using ceramic materials to store the amount of heat produced by burning High damage efficiency of the dual-weight effect of the company to protect the green environmental protection of the earth, continuous
Environmental protection first
To reduce the cost of fuel and the consumption of organic waste gas at the same time, by alternating the flow of gas, using ceramic materials to store the amount of heat produced by burning High damage efficiency of the dual-weight effect of the company to protect the green environmental protection of the earth, continuous
head office
Address | No. 11, Lane 61, Xinguang East Road, Daxi District, Taoyuan City
Phone | 03-3076799
Fax | 03-3076798
Email | cp.packing@msa.hinet.net
Taichung Branch
Address | No. 201, Guihe Street, West District, Taichung City
Phone | 04-23785188
Fax | 04-23785177
Three side sealing bag
Double-sided sealing bag
Back seal bag
Stand-up bag
Five side sealing bag
Pinch bag
L-Shaped Bag
Head office
[Address] No. 11, Ln. 61, Xinguang East Rd, Daxi Dist., Taoyuan City 335, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
[Phone] 03-3076799
[Fax] 03-3076798
[Email] cp.packing@msa.hinet.net
Branch Office
[adress] No.201,Guihe St., West Dist., Taichung City 403, Taiwan (R.O.C)
[phone] 04-23785188
[fax] 04-23785177
[E-mail] kaeonan@seed.net.tw